Then the girls and I load into the car, check into their classes, and begin our Sunday morning worship time. We usually get to the church by 9am and are there until 1:00pm or so. By the time we get home, the girls are overtired, hungry, and a little overstimulated. This results in very few Sunday afternoons where they can sleep and get refreshed. (Hence the picture at the top of the page!) We then load them into the car by 4:30pm and head back to the church for our small group Bible study.
Sundays are crazy and the girls are a bit cranky, but I wouldn't change it for the world. Granted, it would be a little less crazy if Brent were here to comb and dry one little girl's hair or hold onto one little girl's finger while we walked across the parking lot or could drive us to church so I could put make up on in the car, but the important part is we all get there and we have the opportunity to worship our King. That opportunity is what brings the joy to my heart despite the potential stress the day may hold.
I hear a lot of moms talk about wanting to serve but they can't right now because it conflicts with their child's schedule. I completely understand that because I was there once. I used to resent volunteering on Sunday mornings because it meant that the rest of my Sunday was going to be spent with tired kids, but then God convicted me of this selfishness. He doesn't call us to serve when its convenient or when it fits into our schedules. He calls us to serve, obey, and trust Him to take care of what happens in our lives. So Sundays have become my day to quit worshiping my schedule and my well rested kiddos and start worshiping our King who is more than able to meet all my needs as well as my families. Praise the Lord for that!
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