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The Lord has been revealing so much to me this week that this post is actually hard to write. I sit here wondering, where do I begin??? I haven't fully processed everything God is teaching me yet, but here is what I'm processing at the moment.
1st: Our church has been going through a sermon series entitled The Cost. A lot of the focus has been on asking ourselves what it cost us to be a Christian. In the midst of this, we are raising close to a half a million dollars to go straight into our missions fund for our work around the world.
As I listened to The Cost, I was convicted about the amount of serving our family does outside of the church. My husband is a worship pastor so obviously we serve inside the church plenty. But over the last month of so, the Lord has really been laying on my heart the need to be serving the unchurched
2nd: I have really loved reading the book Prayer. I have learned so much from the book and have been working on applying what I've been reading. Its been so eye opening that Brent and I just decided to read it again together so that we can sit down and talk about things as the Lord teaches us. We decided this was a much better option than me continually interrupting Brent to read him various passages out of the book as I was reading it =) If you are interested in ordering the book for yourself, click here to get to Amazon where you can get it pretty cheap.
3rd: My sister gave a Bible study to me over Thanksgiving, and it has been so helpful as I learn how to implement the spiritual disciplines in my life. I wish I could pass it on to all of you but it was written by Wheaton Bible church for their ladies Bible study and isn't something you can buy off a shelf!! Its called Keeping Company with Jesus. One of the things about the study that has been beneficial to me was this spiritual disciplines inventory the author adapted from the book Spiritual Disciplines Handbook by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun. It asks deep questions to help you determine where you are at in each of the disciplines and where God is working in your life. Its the kind of inventory that is beneficial and fun to take every 6 months of so to see where God is growing you on your journey.
See I told you it was a lot this past week =)
My goals for next week:
- Order the book Prayer for Brent so he can read and I can reread it together
- Continue to go through the Bible study Keeping Company with Jesus
- Find an opportunity for my family to begin serving outside of the church
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