It's official. Justus is huge! At 2 months, he weighs 13 lbs 7 oz. He is 22 1/2 inches long. So basically he is short and fat but oh so cute =)
I've also given in and started letting him sleep on his tummy. Sometimes I wished I lived 20 years ago where they told you to let them sleep on their tummy and then I wouldn't feel so guilty for turning him to his tummy =) Last night was actually the first time I let him sleep all night on his tummy, and it was a much better night! He's been taking naps on his tummy periodically for the last 2 weeks. I might have to take the bumper out of his crib already though because his favorite spot is right up in the corner with his nose pushed into the bumper. He'll wiggle his way up there regardless of where I lay him down. He's still so young that makes me a bit nervous =)
Elliana was a tummy baby, but I didn't give in to her desires until she could roll herself. I guess I"m more of a pushover this time around! The nice thing about putting him on his tummy is that he'll put himself to sleep about 50-60% of the time. 2 pats on the back and a kiss and he'll lay there until he falls asleep. Maybe he'll end up being an easy baby after all...I'm not counting on it quite yet though =)
And notice his little t-shirt in the picture...I'm brainwashing him young about the wonderful state of Iowa!
If it is any consolation, Blayze slept on his stomach. We are finding that every time we put Aiyanna on her stomach she sleeps too. I guess the morale of the story is that you gotta get sleep somehow ;)
Your pictures/videos/stories are fun to read and I'm so glad I can now keep up with what goes on with you guys! I don't think you need to worry so much about how you let your baby sleep. We let our sleep however they slept best! Ash slept between the wedges on her side most of the time when she was tiny! Seems like every generation has a different "scare" and different way you're supposed to let your kids sleep.
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