Thursday, June 18, 2009


Brent and I went to see the movie Up on Tuesday night. After he picked my jaw up off the floor when I realized how much movies cost now (neither one of us can remember the last movie we saw in the theater!), we went in to see a phenomenal movie.

Phenomenal for two reasons:

1) Just a great flick. Very entertaining and well done

2) Such a great message. Enjoy the journey. The man was so busy looking to the end goal that he was missing all the little adventures along the way.
As I look at my girls in the time out corner this morning, the message is loud and clear in my mind. Although there are many end goals that I am striving for, today I am enjoying the journey and looking for all the little adventures along the way.

1 comment:

Candace and Justin said...

we also saw UP and really enjoyed it!!! =) there is a theater here in Kansas City that has $5 all during the week and then it goes back up to $10 on the weekend... so we only go during the week! =)