Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My Spiritual Journey

This is the week of setting goals.
I've been floating along since Justus was born and have been slowly and surely sinking into my tiredness. The girls are out of control, Brent hasn't been home in a week because of Easter stuff, Justus has acid reflux but I'm trying to control it with my diet instead of medicine so I'm starving because I can't eat anything or else he will scream all night in pain and yet he still screams all night in pain, and I just have continued to sink lower and lower into myself.

Until last night.

Brent looked at me and asked, "how long has it been since you've spent good quality time with the Father?"

I just cried. Quality time? Early morning is out because most of the time I'm just crawling into bed at our normal wake up time. Afternoon nap is out because they don't always nap at the same time. Its going to be 12 weeks before everyone's schedule is how I want it and I can find some quality time.

Brent wasn't satisfied. Neither was I. So this morning I'm back to making goals, structuring my time as best as I can, and am determined to find quality time during my day to sit with my Savior.

How it looked today:
I sat on my lap top and did an Examen on www.examen.me while the girls sat on the PC and played Mickey Mouse on Playhouse Disney and Justus sat in his chair. Not a silent moment with Jesus but definitely a quality time with Jesus.

What are my goals:
I only have one: To be in the Word every day at least once but preferably more than once. I was reading through Psalm 103 this morning and God was so faithful to remind me that he alone satisfies and redeems me. I need to be in His presence in order to survive this transition. I'll let you know how I do on my one goal next week =)

1 comment:

Sara Beth said...

Kari--I'm so sorry things have been tough adjusting to Justus and 3 kids! We'll be thinking about you all. Sorry we aren't close enough to just come take the girls away for a day and let you have extra time to yourself!!