Sunday, November 15, 2009

We Finally Made It

I saw this idea on another blog I read a few weeks ago and thought to myself "what a great idea. I should do that with the kids."

But the thought of making and cutting out leaves was enough to keep pushing the project to the back became a "maybe tomorrow" type of project.
Until tonight! We finally made our thankfulness tree! I think the motivation was some leftover cutout flowers I had from a breakout session I taught yesterday at church which meant I did not have to trace or cut out leaves with the girls. For some reason, the thought of making leaves exhausted me =)So here's our tree. So far we just have a few flowers and hearts added with things we're thankful for. Hopefully we'll get a little deeper as we continue over the next 2 weeks. Right now we're still just thankful for balloons and trees =) But even if it never goes any deeper than that, at least they're learning what it means to be thankful. And hopefully having a bit of fun in the process =)

1 comment:

mommykoo said...

This IS a GREat idea! thanks for sharing!